Doesn't the meaning of the word "appear" in Hebrews 9, 1 John 3 and 1 Peter 5 require that Christ's "appearing" will be a physically observable event?
If God "desires" all men to be saved according to 1 Timothy 2:4, then aren't all men saved? Does Romans 2:14 teach that Gentiles have the law of God written on their hearts by nature? Who are those "without excuse" according to Romans 1? |
Where is a loving, sovereign God in suffering and tragedy?
(We reflect on this as we share our experience attending Timothy King's daughter's funeral.) What are some of the ramifications of the geocentrism vs. heliocentrism currently going on within preteristic cirlces? |
Who are the "gentiles" in the New Testament?
How does "preterism" (or specifically our assurance that our redemption is fulfilled and we are perfected in Christ) affect the doctrine of "progressive sanctification?" What was the purpose of the ordinance of water baptism in the first century? Is water baptism necessary or in any way effectual for the "remission of sins?" |
Who and what were "all the enemies" which were to be put under Christ's feet according to 1 Corinthians 15?
What is the significance of the "tetragrammaton?" Why hasn't the church believed "preterism" for 2000 years when it is so clear in Scripture? What is preterist idealism and what are some of the problems inherent in this view? How does traditional reformed soteriology and "Calvinism" dishonor the cross of Christ? |
Are preterists "anti-Semitic?"
Is Acts 1:11 an "embarrassment" for full preterism? Was Adam in a "covenant of works" before the fall? Does "judgment" still go on today? What is the difference between full and hyper preterism? |
Yes, we believe some whacky stuff!